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3 Para: Mount Longdon -The Bloodiest Battle
by Jon Cooksey 2004
144pp isbn#1844151158
5th Infantry Brigade in the Falklands
by Nick Bijl, David Aldea 2003
224pp isbn#0850529484
Above All, Courage
by Max Arthur ????
474pp isbn#0304362573
Air War in the Falklands 1982
by Christopher Chant 2001
96pp isbn#1841762938
Amphibious Falklands
by Michael Clapp 1996/97
385pp isbn#0850524202, isbn#0752811096, isbn#1557500282
Argentine Fight for the Falklands
by Martin Middlebrook 2003
338pp isbn#0850529786
Argentine Forces in the Falklands (Men-At-Arms, #250)
by Nicholas van der Bijl 1992
48pp isbn#1855322277
The Battle for the Falklands
by Max Hastings, Simon Jenkins 1997
364pp isbn#0330352849, isbn#0393301982
Call for Fire
by Christopher Craig 1997
496pp isbn#0708989276
by Mike Curtis 1998
540pp isbn#0552144657
Eyewitness Falklands
by Robert Fox 1982/92
192pp isbn#0413522903, isbn#0413523004; isbn#0749312157
The Falklands/Malvinas Campaign
by Eugene Rasor 1992
196pp isbn#0313281513
The Falklands Military Machine
by Derek Oakley 2002
192pp isbn#1841764221, isbn#0971170991
The Falklands War
by D. George Boyce 2005
184pp isbn#033375395X, isbn#0333753968
The Falklands War
by Daniel Gibran 1998
272pp isbn#078640406X
The Falklands War
by Michael Parsons 2000
124pp isbn#0750923547
The Falklands War, 1982
by Martin Middlebrook ????/2001
448pp isbn#0141390557
The Falklands War, 1982
by Duncan Anderson 2002
96pp isbn#0141390557
The Falklands War: Myth and Counter Myth
by David Monaghan 1998
208pp isbn#031221331X, isbn#0312210604
Fight for the Falklands
by John Laffin 1982
256pp isbn#0312288689, isbn#0851198791
Goose Green: A Battle Is Fought to be Won
by Mark Adkin 1992/95/2000
384pp isbn#0850522072, isbn#1857971310, isbn#0304354961
Green-eyed Boys
by Christian Jennings, Adrian Weale 1996
240pp isbn#000638448x
H. Jones VC: The Life and Death of an Unusual Hero
by John Wilsey 2002/03
320pp isbn#0091793556, isbn#0099436698
Her Majesty's Interrogator: Falklands
by Gun Bransby 1997
256pp isbn#0850524717
Island Base: Ascension in the Falklands War
by Bob McQueen 2005
144pp isbn#1904445187
Mates and Muchachos: Unit Cohesion in the Falklands/Malvinas War
by Nora Stewart 1991
208pp isbn#0080374395
The Helicopter Story of the Falklands Campaign
by John Hamilton 1990
96pp isbn#0715392867
The History of the South Atlantic Conflict
by Ruben Moro 1989
376pp isbn#0275930815
Land That Lost Its Heroes
by Jimmy Burns 2002
559pp isbn#0747558728
Memories of the Falklands
by Iain Dale 1996
252pp isbn#1842750186
Nine Battles to Stanley
by Nick van der Bijl 1999
224pp isbn#0850526191
No Picnic: 3 Commando Brigade in the South Atlantic, 1982
by Julian Thompson 1985/86/2001
184pp isbn#0436520524, isbn#0304356476
Not Mentioned in Dispatches: the History and Mythology of the Battle of Goose Green
by Spencer Fitz-Gibbon 2001
219pp isbn#0718830164
Official History of the Falkands Campaign
by Lawrence Freedman 2005
??pp isbn#0415364310(2 volumes), isbn#0714652067(Vol 1, 256pp)
On the Falklands War
by Tony Benn 1982
16pp isbn#0851243398
One Hundred Days
by Sandy Woodward 1997
400pp isbn#1557506523, isbn#0007134673
One of Our Ships Has Been Hit
by Alan Rapkins 2000
150pp isbn#1900094045
Ordeal By Exocet: HMS Glamorgan and the Falklands War 1982
by Ian Inskip 2003
240pp isbn#186176197x
Our Falklands War
by Geoffrey Underwood 1983
144pp isbn#0907771084
Reasons in Writing: A Commando's View of the Falklands War
by Ewan Southby-Tailyour 2003
400pp isbn#1844150143
Royal Navy & the Falklands War
by David Brown 1987/1989
384pp isbn#0850520592, isbn#0099573903
A Soldier's Song
by Ken Lukowiak 1999
191pp isbn#0753807572
Sea Harrier Over the Falklands
by Sharkey Ward 2000
397pp isbn#0304355429
The Secret War for the Falklands
by Nigel West 1998
277pp isbn#0751520713
Signals From the Falklands: The Navy in the Falklands Conflict an Anthology of Personal Experience
edited by John Winton 1995
256pp isbn#0850524296
Take That Hill! : Royal Marines in the Falklands War
by Nick Vaux 1987
256pp isbn#008035548X, isbn#0080405681
Task Force: The Illustrated History of the Falklands War
by David Reynolds 2003
288pp isbn#075092845x
Through Fire and Water
by Mark Higgit 2001
400pp isbn#184018356x
Two Sides of Hell
by Vince Bramley 1994/95
224pp isbn#0747518165, isbn#1898125759, isbn#0747521107
War in the Falklands, 1982
edited by Tim Coates 2001
309pp isbn#0117024589
War With the Gurkhas in the Falklands: A War Journal
by Mike Seear 2003
416pp isbn#0850529166
Weapons of the Falklands Conflict
by Bryan Perrett 1982/84
152pp isbn#0713713151, isbn#0713714506
When the Fighting Is Over
by John & Robert Lawrence 1988/97
208pp isbn#0747501742, isbn#0747502889, isbn#1862380015
With 3 Para to the Falklands
by Graham Colbeck 2002
224pp isbn#1853674931
The Winter War: The Falklands
by John Bishop 1982
8pp isbn#0704334240
Updated January 07, 2005